BGRFBGRF Memberhip & Benefits
Bhagavad Gita Research Foundation (BGRF) seeks to promote research and scholarship. It aims to ensure a broader understanding of one of the most influential texts in Eastern Philosophy, as well as bring people together who have a wish to appreciate life's spiritual essence. BGRF works not only to propagate this work but to ensure greater tolerance and openness of mind. The Bhagavad Gita offers a route to enlightenment that is open to all, for many of its devotees, it is a means of finding the eternal way of ultimate liberation, knowledge, and bliss. Membership levels are divided into 2 categories. The membership fee is paid once for a lifetime
Membership Categories are:
- Individual Membership
- Fellow Membership
Bhagavad Gita Research Foundation (BGRF) Membership fees are as follows:
- £150 for Individual membership
- £210 for Fellow membership